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Full Version: MPD issues with 0.1.5
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Thank you for the new release.
But MPD V20 does not start. Cry

[Image: 2017_02_05_23_51_55.png]

[Image: 2017_02_05_23_55_11.png]
(06-Feb-2017, 04:56 AM)m@jor Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for the new release.
But MPD V20 does not start. Cry
And I tested explicity with the ISO before uploading it. Sad

From the software page in the web app. Wou click on v20, and then click save. What are the messages you see after that? Can you Cut and Paste that and post it here? Thanks.

Saving player setings
You have chosen: mpd-v20
Please wait a moment for mpd-v20 to start.
Player mpd-v20 start ok.
Returning to previous page in 4 seconds

For more information, I can try run the MPD V20 from the console
(06-Feb-2017, 02:30 PM)m@jor Wrote: [ -> ]X86-64.iso

Saving player setings
You have chosen: mpd-v20
Please wait a moment for mpd-v20 to start.
Player mpd-v20 start ok.
Returning to previous page in 4 seconds

For more information, I can try run the MPD V20 from the console

When you see "mpd-v20 start ok", that should mean the application is starting fine, and it only crashed afterwards. Can you figure out what you did that cause it to crash? e.g. play a track, etc. If a track, what codec is it?

Also, can you try mpd-git and see if the same problem happens? (mpd-git and v20 should be almost identical, with mpd-git being more experimental with new features and less stability).
MPD-GIT have the same problem.

Absolutely, not my actions cause crash MPD V20 and MPD-GIT
Player drops immediately after the start

For more diagnostic information, I can try run the MPD V20 from the console

P.S. Sorry for my English
(06-Feb-2017, 03:15 PM)m@jor Wrote: [ -> ]For more diagnostic information, I can try run the MPD V20 from the console

That could well be the reason why it broke.. Tongue Can you SSH into your computer, and run this commands:
cat /var/tmp/std*

That should bring out something, and hopefully the reason why it's not working.
(06-Feb-2017, 09:58 AM)agent_kith Wrote: [ -> ]I have the same problem with V20 Sick
(06-Feb-2017, 03:56 PM)pupsik2005 Wrote: [ -> ]I have the same problem with V20 Sick
Hopefully I have enough time later tonight to re-run the tests. You're in the same setup as major? 64bit ISO, when select v20 and click save, it says "starts ok", but when you're back into the software tab it says error?

Can you run the "cat /var/tmp/std*" command and put the output here? Thanks.
major@snakeoil-mp:~$ cat /var/tmp/std*
exception: Failed to access /media/music/Music: No such file or directory

the directory
does not exist
My music directory is:
This works fine with v0.19 and dsd-rt
(06-Feb-2017, 05:08 PM)m@jor Wrote: [ -> ]/media/music/Music
does not exist
[Image: confused.gif]That's a strange one.. How did that happen? I'm installing a amd64 version right now to see how that is done. What happens if you create that folder?

This is from a fresh install from the 64bit ISO right?
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