To each his own I guess.. Like myself, I prefer Squeezelite over MPD.. MPD doesn't do well with low dynamic range songs (which is around 95% of the music I own).
A lot of the songs I have are highly compressed in the dynamic range. Still lossless, but not a lot of dynamic range. MPD really make some of my favourite songs pretty unpleasant to listen to.
So objectively while Squeezelite is worse, it's actually still my preference. In a sense Squeezelite is a general player, it is not the best, but I don't get frustrated listening to music.. With Squeezelite, I have a few hundred songs I can listen to, with MPD that number is very very low (I don't think I even have 20).
I guess Roon users are behaving the same way, it's a preference. While they may insist Roon is best, understand it's best in to their context. That's why the motto of Snakeoil OS is - designed by us (basically me), defined by you (you guys - the audiophiles).
BTW, for those new to Snakeoil - different versions of MPD may have different sonic signatures, similar to Linux kernels. Some versions are just better than others. That's kind of why I tend to include different versions of MPD. Well I try to as much as I can anyway, it's hard to include them all because the base OS keeps changing more frequently than I have time to adapt.
It's hard to quantify what that difference is, and it's not a huge difference. I would consider cgroup and RAM bigger differences (like jaw dropping, how is this even possible different). Having said that, knowing something is different versus knowing which is better, the latter is a lot harder.
That hair raising at the back of your neck experience. If you done this enough times you'll find that you get that effect less and less. The human body will build immunity against this, numbing any subsequent effects. To be honest I havn't been looking for new music since Covid, mainly because I havn't been travelling anywhere. If you guys have some good music, please share them and I hope to grab them too. Please share them here: