(28-Apr-2024, 12:05 PM)wxrbbs Wrote: [ -> ]/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
Prompt=lts to Prompt=normal
and do-release-upgrade -d
22.04 to 23.10 to 24.04
This way could take totally 8 hours to upgrade as per Ubuntu's pre alarm. I also saw someone meet failure during upgrading from 23.10 to 24.04
sudo bash snakeoil-installer-x86_64-1.2.6.sh then upgrade to 1.3.1 fw on Ubuntu 24.04 successfully finally
(30-May-2024, 05:49 PM)clark8888 Wrote: [ -> ]sudo bash snakeoil-installer-x86_64-1.2.6.sh then upgrade to 1.3.1 fw on Ubuntu 24.04 successfully finally
Well done. Does it sound better?
(30-May-2024, 05:49 PM)clark8888 Wrote: [ -> ]sudo bash snakeoil-installer-x86_64-1.2.6.sh then upgrade to 1.3.1 fw on Ubuntu 24.04 successfully finally
How is the sound, pal? Or any comparison? 😊
I use LMS‘s upnp bridge to stream to HQPlayer Embedded with NAA. So it's difficult to judge snakeoil's ubuntu 24 sound quality. But upnp bridge suddenly can not choose http mode. I am not sure if it's due to ubuntu upgrading.
just found http mode issue is materialskin v5 plugin's bug, has nothing to do with ubuntu version
Friends! Can someone post the installation code in Ubuntu 24.04 RT-kernel?
(19-Jun-2024, 06:58 PM)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]Friends! Can someone post the installation code in Ubuntu 24.04 RT-kernel?
Join Ubuntu Pro (for free as individual user)
Then use the following command to download 24.04 RT kernel, assuming you have 24.04 installed
PHP Code:
pro attach
pro enable realtime-kernel