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Full Version: Installation of SnakeOil OS 1.3.0 on RPi 4 with Raspberry Pi OS
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Installation went well, but I have a problem with ALSA :
Failed to open ALSA device "hw:2,0": Unknown error 524

[Image: Snake-Oil-1.jpg]

[Image: Snake-Oil-2.jpg]
(17-May-2024, 04:08 PM)miksi Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,

Installation went well, but I have a problem with ALSA :
Failed to open ALSA device "hw:2,0": Unknown error 524

[Image: Snake-Oil-1.jpg]

[Image: Snake-Oil-2.jpg]
Try to write "mpd sacd" in the Player Name
What Pi OS are you using?  And not sure anyone here is using i2S on forum and whether i2S requires additional configuration?
Need to add the dtoverlay in /boot/config.txt for the i2s device and reboot ?
(18-May-2024, 11:58 AM)Snoopy8 Wrote: [ -> ]What Pi OS are you using?  And not sure anyone here is using i2S on forum and whether i2S requires additional configuration?

Sorry for the late comment, and I'm not sure this is i2S in the same sense as here, but there are many RPi HATs that use i2S to avoid using noisy USB in the signal path.

If that's what we're talking about here, I'm using i2S, but I've never had to do anything to configure it, just the dtoverlay, such as:

I hope that helps.