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Full Version: SQ difference - Raspberry Pi vs x86_64?
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(28-Jan-2025, 08:26 AM)Snoopy8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(27-Jan-2025, 10:08 PM)skel Wrote: [ -> ]I' am a great fan of the  x86_64 machines of Shuttle. Just bought the DS50U (CPU Intel Celeron 7305, 250 Euro) which had much better SQ than the more faster machine DS50U3 with i3 CPU. 
Interesting... . Have you tried the Pi5, which is much cheaper? 
(27-Jan-2025, 10:08 PM)skel Wrote: [ -> ]Just compared it to a commercial product for 11000 Euros (K41 from Antipodes Audio) and my machine sound clear better with SO 1.4, Ubuntu 24.04 Server RT-kernel and Minimserver or Lyrionmusicserver with UPnP Bridge. 
My Pi5 with Ubuntu 22.04 and SO1.3 beat the Antipodes S30, to my ears.   But, my friend still preferred the S30 because it was closer to what he was used to.

I don't have a Pi5,but tried Pi3 and Pi4 some years ago. Found x86 always much better.
(29-Jan-2025, 06:33 AM)skel Wrote: [ -> ]I don't have a Pi5,but tried Pi3 and Pi4 some years ago. Found x86 always much better.
Volumio, Moode etc. are not as good as SnakeOil on Pi5, Pi4, so not surprised that you prefer x86 with SO.
(29-Jan-2025, 07:42 AM)Snoopy8 Wrote: [ -> ]
(29-Jan-2025, 06:33 AM)skel Wrote: [ -> ]I don't have a Pi5,but tried Pi3 and Pi4 some years ago. Found x86 always much better.
Volumio, Moode etc. are not as good as SnakeOil on Pi5, Pi4, so not surprised that you prefer x86 with SO.

That's true, but I also compared SO on PI against x86. May also better (SQ has more body and dynamic and is also cleaner) because of the power for my PC comes direct from the car battery vs linear DC/DC IC for the PIs. I have different SSDs for OS (SATA) and music (NVMe) as well in my PC and very fast RAM.
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