Link Your Home Assistant To Google Assistant Home Control
IMPORTANT!!! This tutorial is outdated and will not work with Home Assistant 0.80 and above. If you want to migrate your existing setup to 0.80, please follow this quick guide.
Why Use Google Home Control With Home Assistant
Is there a point in all this since Google Home Control already supports XiaoMi Yeelights? Yes.
Linking to Home Control to Home Assistant do not just open your Yeelights to voice control. It exposes other devices in your home assistant ecosystem too. For example Climate sensors, power plugs and others.
This tutorial assumes you already have a working copy of Home Assistant and it’s protected by a SSL certificate. If you have not done so already, follow these tutorials first:
Make sure your SSL is working. Google Assistant will not communicate with a non encrypted Home Assistant setup.
For this to work well you really need at least one Google Home or Google Mini device inside your house. This device must also be registered to your Google account. You can get by with using Google Assistant on your Android/IOS device. Unfortunately the convenience of Home/Mini just cannot be beat.
For this tutorial, you’d need:
A computer, running:
A web browser
A SSH session to your Home Assistant setup.
A mobile phone with Google Home installed and logged in. Both iOS or Android is fine.
This tutorial requires you to switch back and forth between your web browser and SSH session. The final step will be performed on your mobile device. All this can get confusing but hopefully I’d explain this clearly.
The tutorial also assumes you already know things like SSH and file editing. Please refer to the article Install Home Assistant On A Raspberry Pi if you’re unsure how to use SSH or modify files.
Once you have everything setup and ready, hit on the next page to begin the tutorial. The contents of this tutorial is based on the Google Assistant - Home Assistant documentation. Hopefully mine is written in a more human readable way.
Founder and lead architect of Snakeoil OS - the ultimate audiophile operating system for music playback. My primary focus is in applying technology without losing the human touch.
Hi, nice , very interesting project, appreciate that. Can you give me an advice.
After I applied your walkthrough. Im not able to see any devices. Once Ive executing add device from google assistant
link opens
Hi, nice , very interesting project, appreciate that. Can you give me an advice. After I applied your walkthrough. Im not able to see any devices. Once Ive executing add device from google assistant link opens
and I see a message{"message":"missing project_id in redirect_uri"}