Blind Testing: A Technology Walkthrough
We are getting requests to do this since Snakeoil OS was released from day one. As there were so many things else to implement, this feature is pushed all the way down the list until now.
And I’d be honest here - the reason why this feature is so down the list is because I was convinced this is not going to do anything. At the time it seems better to dedicate the time on implementing the other ‘more important’ things first. With that mindset this feature was at the bottom of the to do list for a long long time, until now.
Eventually this feature is implemented in one of the Blind Testing betas. And I still remember my reaction then as I am writing this - there I was sitting on my chair, then I hit play. And I was utterly shocked.
Publicly I am kind of cool as a cucumber about it (Read my first posts here), privately I’m pretty shocked. This is big jump in sound quality, quite possibly the second best tweak ever tried. This combined with equipment isolation (ranked my #1 tweak at time of this writing) gives my system an incredible sense of speed and control when playing music - this is something my system never really had before.
Development on Snakeoil OS stopped for a few days as I spent all my available free time discovering new things in my reference track list. Till this day I still do not comprehend why this is good for audio, however knowing the variances everybody have with their ears and their setup - your mileage will always vary.
What works for me may or may not apply to you.