Here’s a blast from the past. My opinion on firmware made more than 5 years ago, still stands today. To get a proper context, here’s the blog post that spurred my response, reproduced in full below:
Wait what? Isn’t Snakeoil OS released in the form of a firmwares? Indeed it is. I’m pawned for shipping something that is incomplete. In my defense Snakeoil OS is a one man operation. It is extremely difficult to do this alone, try brainstorming with yourself on what to do next. Ergo have to get Snakeoil out there, get you people involved in sending me feedback will help improve the whole experience of Snakeoil OS. There are still a lot of things in the pipeline for Snakeoil which I hope will be realised in time.
Thank you all for using Snakeoil, and if you have any suggestions on how to make Snakeoil OS better, please share it with me so others will get the same benefits!
2016 has been a bad year for a lot of people I know. Many icons \in the music industry did not live to see 2017. Bad things happen, it is these bad things that make us appreciate the good things in life that much more. This is true in Hifi, and is even truer in life. Start living, and happy listening.
As the clock tick past 2016, a moment of silence for the poor souls who did not live through 2016, people who died from acts of war and other horrors. May they rest in peace.
For what it’s worth, I still don’t have a CE BD player.
About The Author
Founder and lead architect of Snakeoil OS - the ultimate audiophile operating system for music playback. My primary focus is in applying technology without losing the human touch.
It was a long time ago. Treblid was an anagram of Dilbert (a comic strip by Scott Adams). Now my Internet personna is Agent Kith (An anagram of my name). I’m guessing in another 8 years time I’d be using my name for real.
treblid….. ?