Under The Sun
Complete Guide to TrueNAS CORE Virtualisation Under Proxmox
agent_kithTrueNAS CORE (formerly known as FreeNAS) is one of the best NAS software available as of this writing. This article will not discuss the pros and cons of a NAS solution and assumes you have already decided on a non-enterprise NAS solution for your current needs.
XCP-ng or Proxmox
agent_kithAfter using ESXi for almost a decade, and around 3 for Snakeoil development, I decided it's time to move on to other hypervisors with my new Ryzen server.
How To Fix Network Layout in Untangle Dashboard
agent_kithUntangle is a software network firewall/router/security appliance solution that gives you insight of your home network traffic right out the box (Compared to say pfSense). However, there is a quirk, a horizontal scrollbar will appear if you have too many network interfaces.
'Experts' Doing More Harm Than Good
agent_kithHere's an interesting article that turned up in my inbox a few weeks back. Excerpts follow:
My Stereo Setup (As Of 29 May 2018)
agent_kithTaking video is really not my forte. This is something I hope to improve on.