About Us

Music, Your Way!
We provide our custom designed WebApp too so you can unlock the full potential of your music. Step away from conventional wisdom and enjoy audio experience on your own terms. Immerse yourself in soundscapes tailored to your unique tastes and preferences.
Designed by us, defined by you; Snakeoil OS is truly Music, Your Way!

Designed By Us, Defined By You
With Snakeoil OS - we designed a WebApp that abstracts the complexities of Linux from the average Joe and Jane. Based on Ubuntu (a Debian based distribution that somehow gives excellent audio quality), you then choose from a variety of open sourced music players (Lyrion Media Server, Squeezelite, Music Player Daemon, Roon, JRiver Media Center and more) and customise music your way!
Features include:
- Powerful WebApp
- Powerful OS: Real-Time kernel; Process priorities; CPU set; Power off USB ports
- Powerful flexibility
- 1 machine: all in one
- +2 machines: 1 music server, 1+ streamer(s)
- +3 machines: 1 NAS, 1 server, 1+ stream(s)
Our Approach
Nothing in the audiophile hobby makes sense. And thus it is futile to find order in something that's chaotic. Snakeoil OS is not built with measurements, or blind tests. Rather, the foundation of Snakeoil OS is based entirely on ears alone. Initially tuned to Agent Kith's stereo system, and later released to the public. Over time additional public feature requests are accepted and made into the project.
We hope Snakeoil OS provides a good foundation for your stereo setup, something you can build upon and make Snakeoil OS your very own.
- More art than science. Tuned completely by ears.
- Goal is to recreate reality in music
- Anything is possible mantra
📓Be free to use DBT to tweak your system if that works for you. To each his own and you must do what works for you👍.

Our History
The project is started by Agent Kith in 2016. An avid audiophile with backed with a solid 30 years of software engineering background. Developed with solid engineering principles, and yet daring to venture into the unknown.
Our Mission
Let music embrace all our senses. Allow music to overwhelm all the biases, emotions and passions within us. Good music recreation is not difficult - you only need to let your guard down and let the music speak to you!
Our Vision
Literally to recreate music you can "see" and yet "not see". Your ears will be telling you the instrument or vocal is at this point in space. But your eyes will be telling you there is absolutely nothing there! How real is this?!
The Snakeoil Squad
We love what we do and we do it with passion. But we need more helpers on documentation and development! Contact us if you want to help us out.
Project Statistics
Merged Issues
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