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This is a step by step walkthrough on how to setup the BIOS for a Jetway NF9C motherboard to make sure it'd work with Snakeoil.

Get into the BIOS

Connect a keyboard and monitor to the computer. And when you turn on the computer, hit these keys multiple times until you see the BIOS screen: F2, F9, F10 or F12. You should see this screen:

Advanced Menu

Press the right arrow to go into the Advanced menu. Make sure these settings are as follows:

SATA 3.0 Controller -> Enabled
SATA Configuration->
   SATA Controller(s)->Enabled
   Configure SATA as ->AHCI
USB Configuration->Enabled
EHCI Handoff->Disabled
USB Transfer timeout->20 s
Device reset timeout->20 s
Device power-up delay->Auto

If everything works correctly, you should see your USB live media as a "mass storage device":

Goto Chipset Menu

Hit the right arrow key again to move  to the Chipset menu. And enable only the USB ports you're using (e.g. connected to a keyboard, etc). Turn off any unused USB ports.

Azalia codec->disabled
UHCI #1 (ports 0 and 1)->enabled
UHCI #2 (ports 2 and 3)->enabled
UHCI #3 (ports 4 and 5)->enabled
UHCI #4 (ports 6 and 7)->enabled
USB 2.0 (EHCI support)->enabled

Goto Boot Menu

Next, move to the Boot Menu and adjust the boot option accordingly to your hardware.

Boot Option #1 -> Your USB Device, in UEFI mode
Boot Option #2-> Your USB Device, in BIOS mode
Boot Option #3-> Your SSD/CFast Device.

Go to the Priorates sub-menu and adjust accordingly until you get it right. The idea is to boot the USB stick in UEFI first, and if that fails, try to boot USB stick normally, and if that fails, boot your SSD/CFast device as a last resort. This is a picture of my setup which is slightly different. Your BIOS should point to your SSD instead.

Exit and Save

Once you have made the necessary adjustments outlined above, go to the last menu "Save And Exit", save your settings and reboot.

From this moment on, when you plug in the LiveCD USB stick, your computer will automatically boot into the LiveCD. But after installation and when you remove the USB stick, your computer will boot into your selected SSD/CFast storage instead.


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