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Spotify Connect

{{DISPLAYTITLE: Spotify Connect}}

Spotify Connect is a Linux client for Spotify. For more information about Spotify Connect, please refer to their [ product page].

==How To Install==
If you're running Snakeoil 1.1.7 Blind Testing U7 and below, or if you are using the free edition: Download the latest [ Spotify Connect module] and apply it.

If you are using the activated editions, read on.

===Adding Spotify Connect (Activated Edition)===

* Running Snakeoil 1.1.8 (Blind Testing U8) or above.
* The Snakeoil PC needs to be connected to the Internet

Go to the Snakeoil page. Find the item "Spotify Connect" from the list of software players.
[[File:Install Spotify.jpg|center|thumb|633x633px|Install Spotify Connect from the Snakeoil page]]
Check the box next to the name, scroll down and click the "Save" button.

===Removing Spotify Connect (Activated Edition)===

* Be running Snakeoil 1.1.8 (Blind Testing U8) or above.

Go to the Snakeoil page. Find the item "Spotify Connect" from the list of software players, uncheck the button next to the name, scroll down and click "Save" to uninstall.
Spotify Connect runs on a virtual desktop on your Snakeoil PC.

You need to use a VNC client to connect to this virtual desktop from another second computer gain access to the Spotify Connect GUI.

Refer to [[Using/logging-in#Remote Access: VNC|this article]] on how to use a VNC client.

<br />{{ManualNavigation|[[Players|Music Players]]

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