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Merging Technologies: Ravenna/AES67

This document is work in progress.

  1. Requires Snakeoil Blind Testing 1.1.3 and above. Update your firmware to the latest version.
  2. Requires activation to access the WebApp features. But it'd still work in the free edition.
  3. Right now this potentially only works on your first Ethernet device (eth0)
  4. Download a Ravenna Kernel from the forums.
  5. Upload this kernel by dropping the file into the install windows in the System menu:
  6. Reboot your Snakeoil PC to use the new kernel.
  7. Confirm you are using the Ravenna Kernel by looking at the Snakeoil Dashboard:
  8. You will also see a new audio device "Merging RAVENNA" in the player's status panel.
  9. Download the user space client: Butler
  10. Upload module to your Snakeoil PC
  11. Go to the ''players'' section. In the ''Audio State'' panel, click on the words "Merging Ravenna" to configure the virtual audio device:
  12. Select any player that allow you to configure the ALSA device.
  13. Select the "MERGING RAVENNA" as your output device.
  14. Click "Save and Restart Players" button to finish.

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