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Sideloading Snakeoil Firmware

Side-loading Snakeoil is no longer necessary from 1.4.0 onward.

Snakeoil 1.4.x and higher

It's a lot easier to re--install Snakeoil now. Simply SSH to your Snakeoil PC and run the following commands:

sudo apt install snakeoil --reinstall

This will re-install the latest version of Snakeoil on the machine. 

Once the operation is complete you can reboot the system for good measure. You can either reboot the computer from the WebApp, or via the command line:

sudo reboot

Snakeoil 1.1.0 to 1.3.x

Side-loading functionality is retained for those who want to downgrade. The process should continue to work but there is no guarantee. We always recommend using the latest version of Snakeoil as it's too time consuming to maintain old branches. 


This recovery procedure will only work if you meet following prerequisites 

  • If are running Blind Testing (v1.1.0) later
  • SSH Windows Sharing enabled

How To Sideload Your PC

The steps somewhat simple: 

  1. Download the latest version of Snakeoil firmware from here.
  2. Note the version firmware
  3. Rename downloaded file to: recover.fw
  4. Transfer this file to your Snakeoil's music folder (i.e. /media/music)
  5. Reboot PC
  6. Load WebApp, confirm new version is running

Transferring recover.fw to your Snakeoile PC

There two ways transfer over, via SCP. 

Windows Share

This is the easiest method.

  • Double check that SMB Windows File Sharin is turned on if you're using an activated edition
  • From another PC, copy the recover.fw to the music share folder by following instructions outlined here.
  • Reboot your Snakeoil PC

Secure Copy (SCP)

Slightly more complicated, but still easy.

  • Double check the OpenSSH Server is turned on if you're using an activated edition.
  • For Windows users, download a SCP client like WinSCP.
  • Refer to your SCP client's document (e.g. WinSCP Documentation on how to connect to your Snakeoil PC
  • Transfer recover.fw to /media/music
  • Reboot your Snakeoil PC

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