
New CMS Introducing Drupal!
agent_kithHere at Snakeoil we've been using b2evolution since inception. b2evolution was a fork of b2/cafelog created by François Planque. WordPress is also a fork from the b2/cafelog project.
Ergo we can say effectively b2evolution and WordPress are cousins.
Complete Guide to TrueNAS CORE Virtualisation Under Proxmox
agent_kithTrueNAS CORE (formerly known as FreeNAS) is one of the best NAS software available as of this writing. This article will not discuss the pros and cons of a NAS solution and assumes you have already decided on a non-enterprise NAS solution for your current needs.
Argon One Case Version 2 For The Raspbery Pi 4
agent_kithThe Argon One is one of the very best Raspberry Pi cases ever made for the Pi 4. It is the best case I have tried personally. The design moves all the I/O to the rear of the case and, adds a power button, and more.
We Have A Sponsor!
agent_kithWe have a sponsor - Sublime Hifi. They have generously sponsored a bare metal server to run our Snakeoil project (and Sublime Hifi website) for at least 1 year (and hopefully more).
Unifi Dream Machine Pro
agent_kithOne of my long term plans is to consolidate to a single network manufacturer for my home networking. After months of deliberations, I decided to bite the bullet and just move to Ubiquiti Unifi.
Why? Really because I am getting sick of the missing components in the Unifi dashboard.