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{{DISPLAYTITLE: upmpdcli}}
Upmpdcli is primarily a UPnP Renderer front-end to the MPD music player. It is available in the Activated version of Snakeoil and can be installed by selecting upmpdcli in Music Software.
[[File:Upmpdcli select2.jpg|center|thumb|900x900px]]
It can be used in a UPnP setup with a UPnP Server (e.g. [[Players/minimserver|MinimServer]] running on a NAS) and a UPnP controller app (e.g. BubbleUPnP on Android, mConnect on iOS). This may provide the best of both worlds, mpd playback sound quality with the better library & tags configuration of MinimServer plus a good UI with BubbleUPnP App.
Another option is to combine it with Logitech Media Server (LMS) with the DLNA/UPnP Bridge plugin installed. Upmpdcli can then be used as a player for LMS, providing mpd playback sound quality, but retaining the features of LMS and continue using the LMS phone app.
==SnakeOil Music Player options==
#Upmpdcli should be enabled with any available version of MPD in SnakeOil. It will not work if MPD is not running. With this setup, upmpdcli will work as a UPnP renderer end point.
#Alternately, enable upmpdcli with MPD as a music player and use either [[Players/minimserver|MinimServer]] or [[Players/LMS-Squeezelite|LMS]] as the music server.
===Using upmpdcli with LMS as music server===
Select LMS as server and upmpdcli and any version of MPD as client.
[[File:Upmpdcli setup2.jpg|alt=|center|thumb|900x900px|SnakeOil Player tab]]
Set up the MPD output and Save.
[[File:Mpd output.jpg|center|thumb|900x900px]]
Using the LMS Web page, go into Settings.
[[File:UPnP plugin.jpg|frame|LMS Plugin tab|alt=|center]]
Enable UpnP/DLNA bridge, restart LMS. Go into the bridge settings
[[File:Bridge setup.jpg|thumb|900x900px|Bridge settings page|alt=|center]]
If this is a new setup, you will need to Generate configuration file; it will take 30 seconds or more.
[[File:Generate config.jpg|thumb|900x900px|Generate configuration|alt=|center]]
You will now have a list of UPnP players (renderers), including UpMpd-UpnP/AVE, for use with LMS
[[File:Select Player.jpg|thumb|600x600px|Choose player|alt=|center]]
Select the UpMPD player. Please note that upmpdcli can take 30 seconds or more to start up.
Upmpdcli documentation:
<br />{{TopicPlayers|float:right;}}
==Configuration File==
This file is the base file used to run your instance. Put any of your customisations in there.
TODO: Your changes will disappear after a firmware update. So need to develop a workaround on this.
== Security Risks of using UPnP ==
A major problem with UPnP is that it doesn’t require any authentication or authorization. Although this adds a lot of convenience for us, it’s also very risky. It allows hackers to find backdoors into your network and get remote access to your devices with ease. Please do a search of "UPnP security vulnerability" to understand the security risks of using UPnP.
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