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Snakeoil ISO 0.1.3 (Cable Lifter)

Announcing the 3rd release of Snakeoil OS - v0.1.3 "Cable Lifter"! This update has several fixes and changes behind the scenes to improve the user experience. I reckon it's a long list, so hit the forum post to see what's changed). This release focuses on stability and improving the Snakeoil web interface. Hopefully with this stablised I can concentrate on the sound quality aspect.

Download Snakeoil 0.1.3 ISO (Cable Lifter)

If you are new to Snakeoil, please read the FAQ

Existing users who are already using Snakeoil as their OS can simply upgrade the firmware (contact me for an activation code). Watch this video for a walk-through on performing the firmware upgrade. The only thing missing is the LMS DSD-PCM transcoding fix and a newer kernel (you can upgrade the kernel manually anyway). Watch this video to see how easy it is to install Snakeoil.[video:youtube:26aR-8Yc8Ys]


Roon for Linux is out. Unfortunately the powers that be decided to only release x64 binaries, Snakeoil is a 32 bit operating system. In plain language this means I cannot bundle Roon right now :no:. I'm hoping the Roon people would consider releasing 32 bit binaries (after all, they do support 32 bit Windows platform). But if there is enough interest, I may consider moving Snakeoil to the modern 64 bit environment (meaning some older Atom boards will no longer work with new Snakeoil releases).

If you feel strongly about Roon, please sign up and vote, or leave a anonymous comment here. Obviously you'd still need a license to use Roon, and bear in mind I may not be in a good position to provide the necessary technical support.

And to get some red tape out of the way. No, I will still not ask permission from Roon to bundle (because quite frankly I don't have to). And Yes, hypothetically I will remove Roon if they requested it. (Update: 64 bit release of Snakeoil now allows you to run RoonBridge! Download the latest 64 bit Snakeoil ISO now in the forums!)

Thank You

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you guys out there on the donations and the ad clicks. I appreciate your support as the money will fund the Snakeoil web space for the next two years. Also, if you have a Linked Account, please add me to your network, and endorse some of my skills - PHP, C/C++, and so on. I need to "bulk up" my account a bit as I'd be job hunting later this year.

Cable Lifter

If you guys havn't noticed already - every ISO release of Snakeoil has a code name,  and it's always a so called snake oil product. The first was Schumann Resonance, the second was Ethernet cable. This release is cable lifter. I'm sure this product and it's functionality needs no introduction to any audiophile. Here's hoping I don't actually run out of names in my very short list. :(


Follow the music, follow Snakeoil.


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