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Native DSD Support

Native DSD is another way of playing DSD material on your Snakeoil PC. Traditionally, DSD data is wrapped in PCM and sent to the DAC. This method is commonly known as ''DSD over PCM'' (DoP).

A newer method is to send the raw DSD data directly to your DAC. This is called native DSD, and is only supported by some DACs.

How To Enable Native DSD Kernel

Download the native kernel from this thread - Native DSD: linux-4.4.9-rt17, install the kernel and reboot your Snakeoil PC.

For MPD and Squeezelite, set your streaming mode to "Native (PCM or DSD)", and away you go!

Supported Native DSD DACs

The following DACs will output native DSD, some requiree the custom native DSD kernel shown above. Please report back if you own any of the following unconfirmed DACs so we can keep this list up to date.

DACs Directed Supported By the nativie DSD Kernel
DAC Comments Confirmed
Amanero Combo 384
  • Snakeoil DSD kernel > 20181024
  • Need to update Amanero firmware to 1099 
Aune X1S 32BIT/384 DSD DAC All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
dCS Scarlatti All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio ✔️
Denon All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
DIYINHK DSD DXD 384kHz USB to I2S/DSD All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio ✔️
|iFi Audio micro/nano iDSD All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
Gustard DAC-X20U All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
Yulong DA9 All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
Kitsune/HOLO Spring DAC Snakeoil DSD kernel > 20181118
JLsounds I2SoverUSB All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
Makua Molamola Snakeoil DSD kernel > 20180318 ✔️
Marantz All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
Matrix Audio X-Sabre All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
 Matrix Audio Mini-i Pro All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
OPPO HA-1 All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
OPPO Sonica Snakeoil DSD kernel > 20180619
Playback Designs DAC All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
PS Audio NuWave DAC All Snakeoil kernels with USB audio
xDuoo XD-05 Snakeoil DSD kernel > 20180318 ✔️

What If Your Native DAC Is Not In The List?

There should *only be ONE applicable setting* for your DAC. Please check with your DAC manufacturer for the correct setting!

Snakeoil will not be responsible for any damage to your audio equipment if you use the wrong setting.

If you are using the custon native DSD kenel, a special panel called "Native DSD Format" will appear in the Snakeoil section (Activated Editions only). On a fresh setup, "No Native DSD" is the default configuration.

"No Native DSD" implies you are relying on the kernel to rely whether your DAC is a native DSD DAC or not (see table above).

DSD Format

If your DAC is not in the list above, but you know your DAC supports native DSD streaming, you can override the kernel behaviour by specifying one of the following DSD formats:

  1. DSD_U8
  2. DSD_U16_LE
  3. DSD_U32_LE
  4. DSD_U16_BE
  5. DSD_U32_LE


Once a DSD format is selected, two more configuration options will appear. The first is USB ID, short for USB identification code. This is a unique identifier for your USB DAC.

If you do not know the ID, you can click on the magnifying glass and Snakeoil will detect the first USB DAC in your system. To prevent false positives, please ensure you connect <u>ONLY</u> the native USB DAC to your Snakeoil PC.

Altset Profile

Select the Altset profile for DSD output. Again please refer to your DAC manufacturer for the correct parameter.

Saving Your Native DSD Configuration

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button.

Your setting is now applied to your DAC.You can disconnect and re-connect the USB cable of your DAC to apply the new configuration. A correctly configured DSD player will bitstream the DSD file with the specified DSD format you specify above.  Unless you swap your DAC frequently, this  DSD configuration will be a set once and forget.

Things To Know About Dynamic Native DSD Configuration

Dynamic DSD Configuration:

  • only works from Snakeoil OS (Blind Testing) 1.1.4 and higher
  • only works with DSD kernel dated 14 Apr 2019 (20190414) or later
  • only works with one DAC. If you have multiple native USB DACs, you have to adjust this every time you swap
  • is currently under beta testing so is only enabled in activated editions only

For DSD player to work properly:

  • You need to set the ALSA mixer volume to 100%
  • Incorrect settings may damage your audio equipment. Since native DSD requires the software ALSA mixer to be at 100%, this implies you'll need a a pre-amplifier or integrated amplifier with a volume control. Please set your amplifier volume control to minimum, and slowly dial it up and check that the native DSD stream is decoded properly by your DAC.


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