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Our Philosophy

Here is the Snakeoil philosophy: 

Music, your way! 

We want you to keep this in mind from the moment you power up your Snakeoil computer to listen to music.

Hifi and music are both journeys of discovery - you will find your music tastes change over time. Songs you listen to when you were younger often takes on a different flavour/meaning now. The coming of age can also introduce a sense of nostalgia. These and many other factors means music will never feel the same for everybody - there are small intrinsic values that can only be quantifiable by the unique you.

Snakeoil OS provides you almost everything you need when listening to your music. There is a lot of flexibility in terms of choice - you choose the kernel version, you choose the music player, and you decide what tweaks works for you. Everything is entirely up to you. This is simply music your way.

When you look at traditional hi-fi, there are very few examples that offers this level of flexibility.

Often you are 'buying into' the maker/designer sound. The component makers decide what sound best, and they put it out into the market. You are buying these equipment based on your perceived understanding of their knowledge. In other words - you are buying into their sound, not yours. All is well if you share the same ideas, but that is not always the case. When your preference change, you have to purchase new gear to suit.

Snakeoil OS is a completely different beast - you get to call the shots.

The way Snakeoil OS works is we give you everything we can so that you can find your own sound. Allowing you to discover that elusive x-factor that will make you feel relaxed, raise hairs on the back of your neck. The key to enjoy music, your way.

If you put your mind to it - it is likely you'd never have a need to purchase a new source again. You can change various options/features in Snakeoil OS and tune the sound to your preference.

Snakeoil OS provides the foundation and building blocks. How you put everything together is entirely up to you.

What music player should you use (XMMS, LMS, MPD, or others)? What kernel should you use? If you think these decisions don't matter download Snakeoil OS yourself and give it a go.

Snakeoil OS is powered by a modern HTML5 Web App that allows you to make these decisions easily. Gone are the days when you have to spend hours on end trying to figure out how to get something to work on your computer. Snakeoil OS does all that for you in a few clicks. It will lead you down a snake winding path - you can make your Snakeoil PC sing to your heart delights, or you turn it into the worst sounding piece of crap ever.

For the first time ever - you and you alone hold the power and responsibility. The better the audiophile you are, the better your Snakeoil OS will be.

In time you will find Snakeoil OS is a reflection of your inner self. The way of your music is also a way to self discovery, and it is a journey of endless rewards.

Yes, with Snakeoil OS, it's all about you.

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