Folklore: Power Cables Do Not Make A Difference
Power cables, a touchy subject with Audiophiles. Audiophiles are roughly separated into 3 camps when it comes to power cables.
'Experts' Doing More Harm Than Good
Here's an interesting article that turned up in my inbox a few weeks back. Excerpts follow:
High Pitch Noise From SMPS
Here is something you can try at home. Next time you are charging your mobile phone with your wall wart USB charger, put your ears right up to the charger.
Do you hear a high pitch whine?
Review: UpTone JS-2 Linear Power Supply (Sort of)
The review for the Uptone JS-2 has been delayed multiple times due to issues beyond my control. A series of unfortunate events that included my primary DAC developing a fault at the worst possible time. The fault turned out to be a dry joint in the high voltage transformer.
Preview: UpTone JS-2 Linear Power Supply
This is the JS-2 Linear Power Supply from UpTone Audio, recommended retail price (if buying